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3.0 News
First consortium meeting in Cyprus
After a soft online launch in May 2024, the partners met in person on 24th and 25th of June 2024, in Larnaka, Cyprus, for the first Mr.Goodfish3.0 consortium meeting hosted by our project coordinator, the Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute. For two days, they discussed the organisation of our first activities and our strategy for co-creation, stakeholder engagement, dissemination & communication. To learn more about the project, check our press release
Follow the fish: De la mer à l’assiette

On 3rd December 2024, Mr.Goodfish 3.0 joined an event organized by Oceana in Europe at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. The event was hosted and moderated by Thomas Bajada, S&D MEP from Malta, who directed an inspiring discussion on transparency and sustainability in seafood labelling. This initiative, called Follow the Fish, was named after the already existing movement which aims to tell EU decision-makers that people want to know where the fish we buy comes from, what species it is, how it was caught, as well as the vessel’s country of registration, and that this information should be available for all seafood products.
The initiative aimed to empower consumers by providing transparency at every stage of the seafood supply chain—making it possible to trace fish from the waters where they’re caught to the moment they’re served on our plates.